Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sacred Rose® Organic Herbals at Celebration of Life Expo

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Herbs' healing properties will shine at Celebration of Life! Expo
Posted: 08/10/2011 08:00:00 AM EDT

Sacred Rose owner Maria Pologeorgis will have samples of her organic herbal tea blends at the Celebration of Life! Expo this weekend. (SUBMITTED)

You might stop by the Sacred Rose booth at the Celebration of Life! Expo and Conference just for the free tea tasting. You'll leave with an understanding that herbs do a lot more than add flavor to dinner and drinks. Most likely, you'll also leave impressed with how passionate Sacred Rose's owner Maria Pologeorgis is about her organic herbal blends.

Pologeorgis has worked with herbs for more than 20 years. Before Sacred Rose, she owned an ancient and organic Greek restaurant, which also specialized in handmade tea blends. It's a skill she first learned from her grandmother, who would offer specially made teas for ailments.

"It's part of my culture," Pologeorgis said.

Pologeorgis' teas are more than just a great tasting brew. They also have function. "Our teas are utilized as vibrational remedies," she said. "They're therapeutic. They work with a dense body and emotional body."

For example, the Morning Blossom blend (which will be available for tasting at the expo) helps those who drink it recover faster from colds, Pologeorgis said. But she adds that it also opens up the emotional self to love and joy.

It might sound farfetched to some, but critics should take a look at different cultures, she said. Each one has some type of herbalism. For the Japanese, wasabi and ginger ward off parasitic growth and add flavor to sushi. For the Greek, it's lemons. The Italians, tomatoes.

"Our food is our medicine; our medicine is our food," Pologeorgis said. Even so, someone considering a regiment of therapeutic teas should inform his doctor, she said.

Once at the Sacred Rose booth, here's how to go about tea tasting:

Look. The loose-leaf and brewed tea should be aesthetically pleasing.

Smell. The brewed tea should have a good aroma.

Taste. The tea should taste great.

Move. Because the Sacred Rose teas are therapeutic, they should do something. "If someone was ready to do a detox, one cup of Clearing tea could work," said
Morning Blossom is a blend of peppermint, spearmint, rose, ginger and alfalfa. Pologeorgis said this tea encourages motivation and joyful experiences while also assisting the respiratory system. (SUBMITTED)
Pologeorgis, adding that most therapeutic teas need to build up in a person's system, and often need to be taken several times a day for several days before seeing results.

This is Sacred Rose's 11th year at the expo, and Pologeorgis said she's looking forward to learning more about holistic lifestyles and meeting new people. Each year, the traffic has swelled, Pologeorgis said.

"As our societies are moving more toward whole earth and natural living, this (expo) is a great introduction."

-- Beth Vrabel, for FlipSide

The teas

Sacred Rose organic herbal teas are hand-blended vibrational tisanes, said owner Maria Pologeorgis. This means that they affect the physical and emotional body, she said. Pologeorgis will host a tea tasting at the Celebration of Life! Holistic Life Expo and Conference. Here are a few of Sacred Rose's teas:

Morning Blossom - a blend of peppermint, spearmint, rose, ginger and alfalfa. Pologeorgis said this tea encourages motivation and joyful experiences while also assisting the respiratory system.

Clearing tea - blend of black walnut bark, taheebo, spearmint, sage and rose hips, which is said to reduce stress and trauma, as well as cleanse the colon.

Mother Earth Zest - blend of ginger, spearmint, fennel and sage to bring a sense of fullness and grounding while also aiding digestion.

Inner Peace - blend of chamomile, sage and passion flower. It is intended to calm the physical and emotional body and relax an upset stomach.

Dreamtime - blend of passion flower, skullcap, chamomile and valerian to promote peace and rest.

Beloved - blend of damiana leaf, jasmine, hibiscus, hawthorn, pomegranate and wild cherry bark to activate the vibration of being loved.

- Source:

If you go

WHAT: Celebration of Life! Holistic Expo and Conference

WHEN: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 13 and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 14

WHERE: York Expo Center, Memorial Hall East, 334 Carlisle Road, York

COST: $7 per day or $10 for both days

DETAILS: Call New Vision Books & Gifts at 843-8067 or visit

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